Saturday, August 7, 2010

Chinese Language DVDs from the library

It occurred to me that I could get more practice listening to Mandarin if I checked out Chinese language DVDs from the library. I went to the San Jose Public Library (Edenvale branch) and checked out The World. This is a movie set in the Beijing World Park. It seems to be a sort of extended infomercial for the park. It did look like a nice, clean theme park. It also showed some real-life scenes of Beijing. A refreshing change from Hollywood movies that present the characters as living in beautiful locations that they couldn't possibly afford. I was able to decipher some of the spoken Chinese (with the help of the English sub-titles) but in some instances the characters seemed to be speaking a Beijing dialect I couldn't get. It was a worthwhile experience nonetheless.

I think I'll start checking out the Chinese DVDs at random to supplement my language study. I'd be more focused by I'm unable to read (at this point) the Chinese characters on the DVD boxes.

1 comment:

  1. Haven't seen the film, the characters may have just been speaking with Beijing accent rather than dialect (lots of r's and to me they seem to almost swallow some of the sounds).

    Good luck with the films, hope you find some you like :)
